When it comes to innovation, Acuvue gives Tesla and SpaceX a run for their money. Oasys lenses use specialized technology to sharpen your vision while keeping your eyes as comfortable as a pajama-clad airplane passenger.  

To give you even more flexibility, Acuvue offers several types of Oasys contacts, including Oasys Max and Oasys 1-Day with HydraLuxe. Compare Acuvue Oasys Max vs. HydraLuxe features to determine which is right for you. 

What is Acuvue Oasys Max? 

Acuvue Oasys Max lenses incorporate two types of advanced technology to correct your vision without drying out your eyes. 

Features of Acuvue Oasys Max 

Tearstable technology reduces tear evaporation by locking in moisture, keeping your eyes comfortable all day long. Acuvue Oasys Max lenses also come with the OptiBlue light filter to filter 60% of blue light. If you regularly find yourself bathed in the glow of a computer screen, smartphone, or tablet, OptiBlue may help reduce eye fatigue and discomfort. 

If you're celebrating your 29th birthday for the third or fourth time, Acuvue Oasys Max lenses can also help you adjust to age-related vision changes. Oasys Max contacts are multifocal, which means they correct your vision at all distances, eliminating the need to whip out a pair of cheaters every time you read a restaurant menu. Acuvue even makes a version of the Oasys Max lenses for astigmatism. 

What is ACUVUEOASYS with HydraLuxe? 

Acuvue Oasys 1-Day with HydraLuxe lenses protect your eyes from blue light and block ultraviolet radiation, making it easier to meet the demands of everyday life. 

Understanding HydraLuxe technology 

HydraLuxe™ mimics natural tears, bathing your eyes in sweet, sweet moisture. Extra moisture helps prevent itching, dryness, and other uncomfortable symptoms caused by excessive exposure to digital devices. HydraLuxe™ spreads moisture evenly, creating a smooth surface for light reflection. The result? Better vision and happier eyes. 

Comparing Acuvue Oasys Max vs. HydraLuxe 

Now that you understand the features of each lens, it's time to choose a pair. Here's what to know about Acuvue Oasys Max vs. HydraLuxe contacts.  

Lens technology and comfort 

Acuvue Oasys Max contacts use TearStable and OptiBlue technology to block blue light and keep the eyes moist. In contrast, Oasys lenses with HydraLuxe mimic natural tears. Both types of lenses offer unparalleled comfort. 

Suitability and user preferences 

If you use digital devices for several hours per day, you may benefit from wearing Acuvue Oasys Max lenses. The OptiBlue technology incorporated into Oasys Max contacts is also ideal for users with light sensitivity. Contacts made with HydraLuxe technology are ideal for users who struggle with the symptoms of dry eyes. 

Why are Acuvue Oasys Max yellow? 

Oasys Max lenses are yellow because they block out up to 60% of blue light. 

Benefits of the yellow tint 

Although the yellow tint is a little trippy, it has big benefits for Oasys Max users. Blue light scatters more than white light, making it difficult for your eyes to produce razor-sharp images. When you use digital devices, you also blink less, causing your eyes to dry out faster. Yellow tint enhances contrast and helps users avoid some of the harmful effects of blue light exposure. 

User reviews and feedback 

Acuvue Oasys Max and AcuvueOasysHydraLuxe lenses have many positive reviews. 

Feedback on Acuvue Oasys Max 

Users love that Acuvue Oasys Max lenses keep their eyes moist, increasing comfort. Reviewers have also commented on the high quality of these contacts. On the negative side, a few people believe the yellow tint makes images appear dim or dull. 

Experiences with AcuvueOasysHydraLuxe 

AcuvueOasysHydraLuxe users appreciate the long-lasting moisture offered by these lenses. Several people state that their eyes stay moist for 10 hours or longer, making it easier to wear contacts. Some users with sensitive eyes report that they had to use eye drops to reduce discomfort while wearing these lenses. 

Give Acuvue lenses a whirl 

When comparing Acuvue Oasys Max vs. HydraLuxe, the main difference is the technology used in each type of lens. Oasys Max uses OptiBlue and TearStable technology to enhance comfort, while HydraLuxe lenses mimic the effects of natural tears on the eyes. 

Before ordering contacts, think about your eye health and your lifestyle to determine which lens is the best fit for your needs. If you're not sure, consult with an eye care professional for expert guidance. Once you find the right fit, use 1-800 Contacts to shop for your preferred brand (and use these awesome coupons while you're at it). 

Frequently asked questions 

How does the yellow tint of Acuvue Oasys Max improve visual performance? 

The yellow tint improves visual performance by blocking blue light, which prevents dryness and eye fatigue. 

Can I wear Acuvue Oasys Max for extended periods, like during sports or digital device use? 

Yes. Oasys Max technology increases oxygen flow to the eyes, ensuring you feel comfortable even after a long day of wearing contacts. 

What are the primary benefits of HydraLuxe technology in Acuvue Oasys? 

The primary benefit of HydraLuxe technology is to keep your eyes moist. HydraLuxe mimics natural tears, which prevents your eyes from drying out while you wear your lenses.