Tips for new contact lens wearers
Once you get used to them, you'll have a hard time believing you ever survived without contact lenses. But when you first get contacts, it's important to have realistic expectations. Most people need a little time to get used to having something in their eyes all day long. To ease the transition, follow these tips for new contact lens wearers:
Wash your hands before inserting or removing your lenses.
Don't use water to clean your contacts. Use a lens-cleaning solution instead.
Follow your eye care professional's recommendations.
Take out your lenses before swimming or taking a shower.
Make sure your lenses are facing the correct way before you put them in your eyes.
Keep a pair of glasses on hand in case you have to remove your contacts due to discomfort or eye strain.
What to expect the first time wearing contacts
Wearing contacts isn't rocket science, but it does require a bit of an adjustment. Although today's lenses come packed with features designed to boost comfort and keep your eyes moist, it does take a bit of time to get used to them. So, what are the symptoms of wearing contacts for the first time?
At first, you can expect some mild discomfort. It may feel like you have something in your eye, or you might find yourself blinking more often than usual. Some people even experience eye fatigue. You can't put your eyes down for a nap, but you can rest your eyes by taking frequent breaks and adjusting the settings on your computer screen or mobile device.
Some people also experience blurry vision, eye strain, headaches, or dizziness. Until you get used to your new lenses, you may want to hold off on mountain climbing, skydiving, cycling, and other activities that require a clear mind and good coordination.
Is it normal to have blurry vision when first wearing contacts?
Yep! It's totally normal to have blurry vision when you start wearing contact lenses. Your eyes have to adjust to your new lens prescription, so they may not be able to focus light on your retinas correctly.
How long does it take for your eyes to adjust to new contact lenses?
It takes about 10 to 12 days for your eyes to adjust to new contacts fully.
How to know if a contact is inside out
This isn't the hokey pokey so before inserting your contacts, check to make sure they're facing the right way. Some lenses have laser markings on them, so an easy way to check their orientation is to look at those markings. If you can read them normally, you're good. If the markings are upside down, your lenses are inside out.
If you've already inserted your lenses, you can tell they're inside out by how they feel. You may experience discomfort or start blinking frequently. In some cases, inside-out lenses fall out.
Why is my vision blurry with contacts but not glasses?
If you just started wearing contacts, the blurriness may be temporary. Once you get used to wearing lenses, you should be able to see clearly. If the blurriness persists, however, you may have to adjust the way you handle your contacts. Touching them frequently or handling them without washing your hands makes them dirty, interfering with your ability to see.
Is it normal for your eyes to be red when first wearing contacts?
If your lenses fit properly, you shouldn't have any eye redness when you first start wearing them. However, a few minor issues may cause redness to occur:
Poor fit. If your contacts are too large, they may move around more than expected, irritating the delicate tissue in your eyes. Too-small contacts are also a problem, as they restrict the flow of oxygen and tears.
Dry eyes. People develop dry eyes for many reasons, such as sleeping in their contacts, getting too much screen time, and taking certain medications. If you have dry eyes, wearing contacts may cause redness.
Torn lenses. Undamaged lenses have a smooth surface designed to maximize your comfort. If one of your contacts has a tear in it, the rough edge can irritate your eye, causing it to turn red.
Sleeping with your lenses in. Unless you purchase lenses made for continuous wear, you shouldn't be sleeping in contacts. Keeping lenses in 24/7 makes it difficult for the eyes to "breathe," which may cause protein deposits to form.
How to train your eyes for contacts
Start small. Wear your lenses for a few hours, not the whole day.
Wash your hands before handling your lenses.
Use drops to keep your eyes moist and avoid discomfort.
Go to sleep without removing your contacts.
Use hairspray, perfume and other spray products without covering your eyes.
Insert your contacts without washing your hands.
How many hours should you wear contacts on the first day?
You should wear your contacts for no more than 4 hours on the first day.
Why can you only wear contacts for 4 hours the first day?
The 4-hour rule gives your eyes a chance to get used to wearing contacts. Once you can tolerate them for 4 hours, you can gradually increase the amount of time you wear your lenses.
Can I cry with contacts in?
It's your party, and you'll cry if you want to! There's no need to hold back your tears while wearing contacts. However, you should be aware that tears can make your lenses dirty.
Can you take a nap with contacts in?
You shouldn't nap with your contacts in, even if you're only taking a power nap for 20 or 30 minutes. Sleeping with contacts increases the risk of irritation, as it prevents enough oxygen and moisture from circulating.
What is the 3-1-1 rule for contacts?
Many tips for new contact lens wearers focus on handling contacts and avoiding discomfort, but we'd be remiss if we didn't tell you about the 3-1-1 rule for traveling with contacts. If you plan to fly somewhere, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) limits you to 1 quart-sized bag of liquid items. The per-item limit is also 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters).
If you have a huge bottle of contact lens solution, you'll have to pour some into a travel-sized container if you want to make it through TSA screening. Alternatively, you can purchase a small bottle.
Best contact lenses for new wearers
Before you implement these tips for new contact lens wearers, you need to find the perfect pair of contacts. Here are our top picks for new users:
Biofinity®. Biofinity contact lenses use Aquaform® technology to keep your eyes moist all day long. You can also use them for up to 1 month instead of using a new pair every day.
DAILIES TOTAL1®. If you're looking for daily disposables, ask your eye care professional about DAILIES TOTAL 1. These daily lenses release an ingredient found in real tears, leading to increased comfort.
1-Day Acuvue Moist®. 1-Day Acuvue Moist lenses use LACREON technology to mimic your tears, keeping your eyes moist throughout the day.
1-800 Contacts carries hundreds of products, making it easy to find your preferred brand. Use our website to enjoy the convenience of online ordering and home delivery.
Did you know you can order contacts online?
Say goodbye to trips to the eye doctor and hello to convenience! With 1-800 Contacts, you can easily order your contact lenses online and have them delivered straight to your door. Plus, our online vision exam makes it simple to get the prescription you need without leaving home. And the best part? You’ll save money on your first order with 1-800 Contacts. It’s never been easier to get your contacts!