Using hyaluronic acid to improve dark circles under eyes

If dark circles have you looking more like a raccoon than a human being, don't panic. Dark circles under eyes develop for several reasons, including aging, lack of sleep, allergies, and genetic variations. No matter why you have those circles, there's no need to carry them around like a second set of luggage. 

Hyaluronic acid cream reduces the appearance of dark circles, leaving you looking refreshed instead of exhausted. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you also have to contend with issues such as eye irritation and dryness. To keep these problems at bay, it's important to apply hyaluronic acid with care. What does hyaluronic acid do for under eyes? Keep reading to learn more. 

What is hyaluronic acid cream? 

Hyaluronic acid (HLA) is a slippery substance found in the joints, skin, and eyes. It excels at retaining water, so it's a common ingredient in ointments, lotions, and moisturizing creams. 

Understanding hyaluronic acid 

Just 1 teaspoon of hyaluronic acid holds about 6 gallons of water, making it highly effective for moisturizing the skin and eyes. Hyaluronic acid also reduces scarring, promotes wound healing, and makes the skin more flexible. Traditional moisturizers contain hydroxy acids, which remove dead skin. In contrast, HLAisn't a hydroxy acid, so it plumps up the skin, improving its appearance. 

Benefits for eyewear users 

If you wear glasses or contact lenses, just think of HLA as your own personal superhero. Since it's such an effective moisturizer, it keeps the eyes comfortable during prolonged lens wear. It can also fight symptoms related to fatigue, such as large bags and dark circles under eyes. 

Addressing under-eye concerns with hyaluronic acid 

So, is hyaluronic acid for eyes actually helpful? Not only is it helpful, but it's a secret weapon for fighting dark circles and puffiness. 

Effectiveness against dark circles 

HLA reduces the appearance of dark circles under eyes by acting as a filler. This replaces lost volume, giving the skin a more youthful appearance. In fact, hyaluronic acid fillers work in a matter of minutes, giving users a much fresher look. HLA also strengthens the delicate skin under your eyes, further reducing the appearance of dark circles.   

Reducing puffiness for a fresh look 

Additionally, HLA helps maintain normal water balance. When your eyes look puffy, it's because there's too much fluid under the skin. HLA combats this problem by regulating the amount of water you retain. Overall, HLA adds moisture to the skin without causing excess puffiness, which may help you avoid eyestrain associated with corrective lenses. 

To take advantage of these benefits, it's important to apply HLA products correctly. Jazz up your skin care routine by following these steps: 

  1. Wash your face thoroughly. 

  1. Apply the HLA product while your skin is still slightly damp. This promotes adequate absorption. 

  1. Pat your face dry. Avoid vigorous rubbing, as it can irritate the skin. 

Potential hyaluronic acid under eyes side effects 

HLA-based products are relatively safe, but there are some potential side effects you need to know about. 

Common side effects and how to mitigate them 

Some people experience skin irritation or allergic reactions after applying HLA cream. To reduce the risk of skin irritation, follow the manufacturer's instructions to the letter. Avoid touching your eyes when you're rubbing the cream into your skin. 

Before applying HLA cream, read the label to ensure it doesn't contain any ingredients known to aggravate your allergies. This is especially important for contact lenses wearers, as allergies often cause eye irritation. 

When to consult an eye care professional 

Consult an eye care professional if you experience eye pain, persistent irritation, or dryness. 

Amp up your daily eye care routine 

The delicate skin around your eyes deserves special treatment. Integrate hyaluronic acid cream into your routine to reduce puffiness and avoid irritation that make it difficult to wear daily disposables and other types of contact lenses. 

Frequently asked questions 

Get the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about HLA eye products. 

Can wearing glasses or contacts affect how I should use eye cream? 

Yes. If you wear contact lenses, you need to be careful not to get cream in your eyes. If you wear glasses, you need to remove them before you apply skin products. Otherwise, you may smear the cream on your lenses, leaving you with a big mess. 

How can I apply eye cream safely while wearing contact lenses? 

If you wear contacts, apply your eye cream carefully. When rubbing cream on your skin, make sure you move away from your eyes instead of toward them. 

Are there specific eye creams better suited for contact lens wearers? 

Yes. HLA-based creams are well-suited to contact lens wearers, as they add moisture to the skin and reduce signs of fatigue.