Vision test explained by an eye care professional

You probably take care of your body with some regular exercise and diet (or at least you tell your green-juice-loving spouse that you do). But are you giving your eyes the care and attention they deserve? 

The basics of caring for your eyes start with getting an annual vision test or eye exam.  

What's the difference between a vision test and an eye exam? A vision test, or vision acuity test, does exactly what it sounds like. It's a test that measures your vision. On the other hand, an eye exam (also known as an ophthalmoscopy or fundoscopy) evaluates your vision capability and overall eye health.  

This blog focuses on vision tests, but make sure you take the time to learn more about eye exams, too, as they're equally important. Keep reading to have the vision test explained, so you can know what to expect from the procedure and the results.   

What is a vision acuity test? 

A vision acuity test measures how well you can see at measured distances. It's conducted by showing you letters and symbols on a Snellen chart held 6 meters away. Usually, a vision test is performed by an eye care professional.  

The vision acuity test is the standard vision test people commonly get throughout their lifetime. It's the one regularly featured in sitcoms. You know, the cheesy plotline where the beloved main character can't see the Z's and X's on the chart, so they start shouting random letters?  

Notably, other types of eye tests focus beyond vision, such as: 

  • Visual field: A test measuring your peripheral vision 

  • Tonometry: A test measuring the fluid pressure inside your eye 

  • Amsler grid: A test that's a pattern of squares with a dot in the middle that looks for central vision field problems 

What eye chart do most doctors use? 

Most vision tests are done using the Snellen eye chart. The chart has a large E at the very top, with rows of letters beneath that get progressively smaller.  

Some other types of eye charts used are: 

  • Tumbling E eye chart: Similar to the Snellen chart, but patients point to the letters' directions rather than verbally communicating what they are 

  • Lea symbols eye chart: A chart with four shapes: an apple, a circle, a house, and a square 

  • Feinbloom number eye chart: Designed for patients with severely impaired vision 

  • Jaeger chart: A chart used for reading distance, often placed 14 inches away 

How a vision test works step-by-step 

You're ready to walk into the eye doctor's office but realize you're unsure what to expect. Will your eye be poked and prodded? Can you see after? 

We have all the answers.   

Here are the steps of a vision test: 

  1. Remove your contact lenses or glasses.  

  1. Position yourself 20 feet away from the chart. 

  1. Cover one of your eyes with your hand or a paddle. 

  1. Start at the top of the chart and read each letter or number aloud. Make your way down the entire chart until you reach the bottom or can no longer read the chart.  

  1. Repeat with the other eye. 

Vision test results explained 

Your vision test results are expressed as a fraction. The top number represents the distance from the chart, and the bottom number represents the distance a person with normal vision could read the same line. So, 20/10 vision means you can see what the average person would see at 10 feet when you're standing 20 feet away. 

Don't worry if you didn't get 20/20 vision. It's estimated that only 35% of adults have 20/20 vision. Even those with 20/20 vision don't tend to keep it forever, as many adults experience deteriorating vision as they age.  

  1. At the end of the test, the eye care professional explains your results and what they mean.  

What is a normal visual acuity score? 

20/20 isn't a perfect vision score; it's considered "normal" vision. Glasses and prescription lenses are made to help people have 20/20 vision. (Those 20/20-ers have nothing on you now.)  

Having 20/20 vision doesn't mean perfect vision because the test doesn't account for peripheral vision, eye coordination, and other factors. Visual acuity only tests your vision's clarity and sharpness. 

What is a passing score for visual acuity? 

20/20 is considered a passing, normal score for vision acuity.  

Once you receive a score of 20/15 or lower, you're considered to have above-average vision. Blurriness and squinting? Those are problems your superior eyes don’t have to worry about.  

Interestingly, you can have better vision than 20/20; most children's vision is stronger.  

What happens if you fail the visual acuity test? 

Failing your visual acuity test means you've received a score below 20/20. In this case, you need visual assistance through eye surgery, contact lenses, or glasses.  

Depending on where you live and your score, you may have some restrictions. For example, you may have to wear a prescription when driving. You might also need to carry around some reading glasses. (After all, how many times can you ask those you're with to read an entire menu aloud?) 

Can I test my visual acuity? 

Yes, you can take a vision test from your home. We’re pretty sure the introverts of this world made that happen, and you can thank them for their genius. You can use websites or apps. (The WHOeyes app lets you test your vision for free.)  

Why not make things as easy as possible and take your test without leaving this site? Try out 1-800 Contacts' quick and easy online vision exam to renew your prescription hassle-free.  

Doing a quick vision test independently is safe. However, if you get a result dramatically different from your last test, you should see an eye doctor.  

Test your vision from your couch 

Eye exams and vision tests should regularly be part of your eye health care routine.  

Vision tests measure how well you see. Your eyesight tends to change as you age, so you must test your vision regularly for an accurate prescription. The right prescription can help you get back that 20/20 vision.  

The best part is that you can now do it yourself with ExpressExam at 1-800 Contacts. Test yourself, get your score, and order your new prescription without ever leaving your couch.  

Did you know you can order contacts online? 

Say goodbye to trips to the eye doctor and hello to convenience! With 1-800 Contacts, you can easily order your contact lenses online and have them delivered straight to your door. Plus, our online vision exam makes it simple to get the prescription you need without leaving home. And the best part? You’ll save money on your first order with 1-800 Contacts. It’s never been easier to get your contacts! 

Remember that a vision test doesn't replace an eye exam. An eye exam tests your overall eye health and can help detect signs of eye diseases or other problems so you can get proper treatment.