What does 20/40 vision mean?

20/40 vision describes how well you see. Let's break it down: 

  1. It's all about vision from a distance: 20/40 vision tells you how sharp your vision is when looking at important things (such as movie subtitles and milkshake menus) from far away.   

  1. What does 20/40 mean anyway? It means your vision is a little blurry (especially at a distance), but not too bad — kind of like watching a 1080p video in the age of 4K. 

  1. Glasses or contacts help: Usually, glasses or contacts can easily bring your vision up to the lofty heights of 20/20 eyesight. 

What line is 20/40 on the eye chart?  

Which line on the Snellen eye chart (the one with the big E at the top) represents 20/40 vision, and what does 20/20 have to do with anything?  

  • The 20/40 vision line: It's a few steps above the 20/20 line and has bigger writing. If the 20/40 line is the smallest you can read, you've got 20/40 vision. 

  • The 20/20 vision line: This is the eyesight average benchmark, located around the middle of the Snellen eye chart. Read it clearly, and you're at least visually average (in a good way). 

What does 20/40 vision look like? 

Numbers are cool, but charts are, well, charts. But what does 20/40 vision actually mean in terms of your everyday view of the world? Put simply, you see a breathtaking sunset in the distance slightly less sharply than someone with 20/20 eyesight.  

Want a super-simple, at-home 20/40 vision simulator? Let's do a quick experiment: 

  1. Grab any reading material: A book, magazine, or even your phone screen with some text. Words are the important bit. 

  1. Hold it at your normal reading distance: Nice and clear, right? Consider this your 20/20 vision baseline. 

  1. Push it to twice the distance: Keep moving it outward until it's double the distance you can comfortably read from. It'll likely still be readable but not razor-sharp. Ta-da! You've just created a rough approximation of 20/40 vision blur. 

What causes 20/40 vision? 

Time to play eye-spy and figure out what culprits are behind 20/40 vision: 

  • Refractive errors (when your eye's focusing system goes a teensy bit off-piste): It's almost like your eye's internal lens is slightly out of focus. These errors include: 
    • Nearsightedness (myopia): Distance objects get blurry. Jackpot! This is frequently the star player in the 20/40 vision drama. 
    • Farsightedness (hyperopia): Up-close items are blurry, but farsightedness can also contribute to a bit of distance blur in the 20/40 range. 
    • Astigmatism: Your cornea (the front window of your eye) is shaped a bit like an egg instead of a perfect dome. Hello, blurry vision at all distances! 
    • Presbyopia: The over-40 vision curveball. Your eye's lens loses its youthful flexibility as you age. It's like your eyes are saying, "Focusing up close? Hard pass." 
  • Eye conditions: These conditions are less likely to cause 20/40 vision on their own, but they can be contributing factors. 
    • Cataracts: The lens inside your eye gets cloudy, like looking through a foggy windshield. 
    • Glaucoma: This causes quiet, sneaky damage to the optic nerve. 
    • Macular degeneration: Macular degeneration is an age-related condition affecting your retina. 
    • Diabetic retinopathy: This occurs when diabetes causes trouble with blood vessels in your retina. 
    • Dry eye: Yep, even seriously dry eyes can sometimes make your vision temporarily blurry. 
  • Smoking (your eyes disapprove!): Smoking is a villain for your entire body, and eyes are no exception. It rudely boosts your risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.  

Is 20/40 vision considered bad?  

No, 20/40 vision isn't especially bad. It won't have you winning any vision contests, but it's also not the eyesight apocalypse: 

  • The eye-care world classifies 20/40 vision as mild vision impairment. 

  • For your daily routine, you might be perfectly content with 20/40 vision, especially if you've always seen that way. 

Most eye care pros will gently nudge you toward glasses or contacts if you have 20/40 vision because seeing clearly is frankly better. 

Can 20/40 vision be corrected? 

Yes, 20/40 vision can be corrected, although some folks choose to do nothing at all. Want to see with crystal clarity? Choose one of these options and get ready to see the world in glorious HD:  

  • Eyeglasses: Your friendly eye care professional will write you a vision prescription, you'll choose some frames that make you feel fabulous, and bam — sharper vision incoming.  

  • Contact lenses: These tiny glass domes sit snugly on top of your eyes, providing excellent vision correction.  

  • Refractive surgery: Think LASIK, PRK, and similar procedures. These surgeries use lasers to reshape your cornea for long-lasting vision correction. While not for everyone, it's worth discussing with your eye care professional if you're intrigued by laser beams and eye magic. 

Is 20/40 nearsighted or farsighted? 

If you have 20/40 vision, it's most likely due to nearsightedness, meaning you have trouble seeing things clearly when they're far away. Farsightedness or astigmatism can also contribute, although they're less typical primary causes of 20/40 distance blur. The best way to know for sure why you have 20/40 vision? A quick consultation with an eye care professional.  

Is 20/40 vision legally blind?  

It's time to debunk a vision myth, nice and loud for the people at the back — someone with 20/40 vision is absolutely not legally blind. Legal blindness is a specific and very serious level of vision impairment. We're talking about vision that's 20/200 or worse, even with the best possible correction (such as glasses or contacts) or a severely restricted field of vision.  

At worst, 20/40 vision = mild-ish blur. While driving with 20/40 vision is possible in many places, driving with legal blindness isn't.  

Best contacts for 20/40 vision  

On the hunt for the absolute best contact lenses for 20/40 vision? Get ready to explore a world of clear and comfortable contact lens options. The best lenses depend on your eyes and preferences, but let's look at top contenders: 

  • Soft contact lenses: The reigning champions of contact lenses, soft contacts are known for their comfort and versatility for everyday wear. They're excellent at correcting nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism — the usual suspects behind 20/40 vision. Our eye pros recommend:  

    • Multifocal contact lenses: Multifocal contacts can be a superpower for eyes that are aging like a fine wine (losing a little sharpness but gaining plenty of… flavor?)  

Implications of 20/40 vision  

What are the real-world implications of 20/40 vision for your daily life? Let's zoom in on some key areas where it might matter. 

Can you drive with 20/40 vision?  

Can you drive legally and safely with 20/40 vision? The answer is yes, in many cases, especially with vision correction: 

  • The majority of US states set 20/40 vision in at least one eye as the legal minimum for getting behind the wheel. 

  • Just because it's legal doesn't automatically make it ideal. For the safest driving experience, especially when you need to react quickly, 20/20 vision or better is the gold standard. 

  • If you're cruising around on a sunny day, 20/40 vision might be perfectly adequate. But for nighttime driving, rain, fog, or snow, glasses or contacts are essential driving companions. 

Will 20/40 vision limit job choices?  

For most jobs, 20/40 vision isn't a problem, but vision is pretty important for: 

  • Airline pilots: Flying like an eagle? Eagle-eye vision is a must-have. 

  • Surgeons: Microsurgery demands exceptional visual acuity and precision. 

  • Commercial truck and bus drivers: Commercial driving often comes with stricter vision regulations for safety reasons. 

  • Special forces: Some military professions require perfect eyesight for safety reasons. 

  • Detail-oriented trades: Professions such as electricians and watchmakers benefit from ultra-sharp vision. 

Reasonable accommodations are commonplace, even for some of these more vision-dependent jobs. Glasses or contacts can bring 20/40 vision up to the required standard. 

What is 20/40 vision? 

20/40 vision suggests you have a mild level of distance vision reduction. Basically, you can see okay-ish, but things could stand to be a bit clearer, especially when you're looking at objects in the distance.  

The fabulous news is that correcting 20/40 vision is typically straightforward with glasses or contacts. And let's face it — experiencing the world in crisp, clear vision is pretty amazing. If you suspect you might have 20/40 vision, or if things seem a little fuzzy when you look far away, book an eye test today.  

Did you know you can order contacts online? 

Say goodbye to trips to the eye doctor and hello to convenience! With 1-800 Contacts, you can easily order your contact lenses online and have them delivered straight to your door. Plus, our online vision exam makes it simple to get the prescription you need without leaving home. And the best part? You’ll save money on your first order with 1-800 Contacts. It’s never been easier to get your contacts! 

Original publish date: 12/12/2023

Updated date: 3/3/2025