Clear vision. Big smiles.

We’re rocking a stellar 4.7 out of 5-star average rating.
See for yourself what all the buzz is about.
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  • Same contacts as your doctor
  • Free shipping and returns
  • Best-price guarantee
  • 24/7 support from real people

Customer reviews

My contact lenses arrived on time and I'm very pleased with the service.

Amanda T.
Sep 19, 2024


Dusica M.
Sep 18, 2024

Very professional staff and quick delivery.

Laurie A.
Sep 18, 2024

Tried to order on line .called operator was great ,order was done prescription was found ,will use again .Thank you

Renee W.
Sep 18, 2024

Megan from customer service deserves a HUGE RAISE!! She was FANTASTIC!!

Kim R.
Sep 18, 2024

Ordering was very easy. Shipping was fast. Prescription was correct due to the request for the prescription from the provider. I would buy from them again.

James M.
Sep 17, 2024

I love this company and the positive energy. I messed up my order, called them, and they worked through the issue quickly and efficiently. I would recommend this company to all!

Charlene B.
Sep 17, 2024

My only problem is I need a written receipt and I haven’t gotten it yet. I lived chatted a person weeks ago.

Susan N.
Sep 17, 2024

Very curious and helpful with comparing prices.

Andre B.
Sep 17, 2024

When the USPS was unable to deliver to my desired address while I was on vacation, 1-800 Contacts immediately contated me and easily and proactively rectified the situation.

Allison R.
Sep 17, 2024

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Some big names have mentioned us, not to brag.

“1-800 Contacts is great for forgetful souls (#me). They’ll send an email every so often with a nudge (to stock up).”
— Buzzfeed
“As one of the best-known contacts stores, 1-800 Contacts stocks all of the most popular brands, and you can even get hard contacts through its call center.”
“It’s hard to beat the ease of use working with 1-800 Contacts.”
— Timestamped